Eleanor Maclure graduated from BA (Hons) Graphic Design at Nottingham Trent University in 2006 and worked as a graphic designer for a large international architectural practice until the start of 2010. She has studied part time for an MA in graphic design at London College of Communication.
Currently she is a postgraduate design student and is doing research about how we communicate color to each other, looking at some of the issues with understanding color names.
Her interest in how people talk about color stems from a range of sources; discussions about re-branding at her previous employer, the way colors are described in fashion trend reporting, and the fact that people have endless disagreements over the color of some objects due to our subjective experiences of color.
Eleanor has a survey that she doing for her research and you can help her by taking part at her survey at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/T2PCTBK.